
Visit Oakshire

Our Public House is located in the Whiteaker neighborhood of Eugene — an eccentric, artistically inspired part of the city. The Pub features our Watershed Market, which houses a vast array of beer-to-go in cans and bottles, as well as our one-of-a-kind on the spot corny and keg filling station. The Market can also outfit you head to toe in the latest Oakshire gear. Our taproom features both indoor seating, and a large covered patio where well-behaved adults, children, and pups are all welcome.

The Pub itself features 20 taps pouring all the delectable beers that we produce, including many that are only available at the Pub (on tap now). Our Pubtenders are experts in finding you a beer you will love!

  • Under 21 years of age welcome until 9pm
  • We also serve ciders, wines, sodas, and kombuchas from our friends around the city and state
  • Food carts on-site every day (today)
  • New beer-release event every week (meet staff and learn more about how and why we do what we do)

11AM – 10PM, MON-SAT
11AM – 9PM, SUN

What's On

Now Pouring

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What's to eat?

Food Carts

We like to stay 100% focused on making great beer, so we partner with culinary pros to bring you delicious meals to pair with your pint in the Pub.

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Our food truck partners rotate in and out throughout the week, providing you with a variety of tasty options. See our schedule below, or for the most current information, call the Pub at (541) 654-5520.

Food schedule